Tax benefits of investing in property using an SMSF

Superannuation can offer a very tax effective means of investing in property. Understanding how it can be used, both before and after retirement, can have a significant impact on your overall wealth.

Superannuation can offer a very tax effective means of investing in property. Understanding how it can be used, both before and after retirement, can have a significant impact on your overall wealth.

“I really appreciated the support and help from the team at Wealth Seekers. Adrian explained things really well and went out of his way to help my situation. I felt confident that Wealth Seekers would help me sort out my superannuation and insurances and they did, consulting with me all the way.” – Jodie Crump

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“I really appreciated the support and help from the team at Wealth Seekers. Adrian explained things really well and went out of his way to help my situation. I felt confident that Wealth Seekers would help me sort out my superannuation and insurances and they did, consulting with me all the way.” – Jodie Crump

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SMSFs can be a very tax efficient property investment vehicle

SMSFs provide you with more flexibility around tax planning, and therefore as Trustee you can choose to structure and time your actions to pay as little tax as possible. This is a luxury that other super funds cannot offer.

Contributions into the superannuation fund are considered as income for the fund, and as such are liable for tax at a concessional rate of 15 per cent. For the retail and industry funds, the tax has to be deducted from the contributions before the money can be invested.

However, for the SMSF, the taxable income cannot be determined before the returns are prepared and lodged. This means that the contributions can be invested until such a time that the taxes are due. This means more money invested for longer, before tax is eventually paid.

SMSFs enjoy tax efficiencies from timing contributions to defer contributions tax, interest deductions from borrowing money and depreciation allowances when investing in property.

Personal tax rates vs. SMSF / Superannuation tax rates

personal tax rates vs smsf tax rates

Tax free when you reach retirement

A SMSF provides an advantage in the form of being able to hold off the sale of an asset until retirement, so that you can gain significant capital gains tax benefits. E.g. if you purchased an asset such as investment property before you retired for $400,000. Then, sold the property after you retired for $600,000, for super balances less than 1.6m you would not pay any capital gains tax. This means that the entire capital gain of $200,000 would be added to your retirement savings without paying any tax.

Important Note: Capital gains tax on traditional superannuation funds
In other funds, changing from a superannuation account to a pension account may involve the change of the superannuation trustee. When this happens, you are liable to pay capital gains tax. An SMSF does away with all this because switching from a superannuation accumulation account to a pension/retirement account within an SMSF does not involve change of trustee so there is no need to sell down assets prior to rollover and potentially triggering a CGT liability.

There are significant tax benefits that SMSF has when compared with traditional super funds. I recommend finding a good advice provider to help with the process.

Want to know more about Self-Managed Super Funds?

A self-managed super fund, or SMSF, is an excellent option for those wanting greater control over their super fund. Our team of financial advisors can help you determine whether an SMSF is the right option for you.
Adrian McPhee

Adrian McPhee

Working as a Brisbane based financial adviser for several years at both corporate and boutique financial advice firms. Adrian firmly believes all Australians have the capacity to secure a more prosperous future, and seeks to help clients realise this outcome.

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Retire in style

Whether it’s travelling, community involvement or caring for family, we all deserve to live the retirement lifestyle we want.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  Will I have enough super?

    -  Will I be eligible for the Age Pension?

    -  Will I work less, stop working or do something different?


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retire in style

Pursue your passion

If a new hobby or interest comes with a sizable price tag, an ongoing financial commitment or takes time away from paid work, you’ll need to think about what you can do to make it a reality.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  What is my passion and what will it cost me?

    -  Do I have a budget and savings plan in place?

    -  Am I taking steps to minimise other debts?


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Pursue a passion

Protect my lifestyle

If something happens, like getting sick or injured, the last thing you want to worry about is your finances.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  How can I prepare financially for a possible
       change in income?

    -  How can I stay on top of my expenses?

    -  Do I have savings or an emergency fund?


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protect my family

Invest in property

Whether you’re planning to be a first-time landlord or have been in the market for a while, thorough planning is important to making the right decision.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  How much can I borrow?

    -  What are the costs and risks?

    -  Could alternative approaches to investing in
       property be suitable for me?


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invest in property

Gain Financial Independence

Giving the children in your life a good start can often come down to participation in sports, music lessons or other extra-curricular activities.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  What debts do I have and what do they add up to?

    -  How much interest am I paying?

    -  Should I consolidate my debts?


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gain financial independence

Give my kids the best chance

Giving the children in your life a good start can often come down to participation in sports, music lessons or other extra-curricular activities.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  What debts do I have and what do they add up to?

    -  How much interest am I paying?

    -  Should I consolidate my debts?


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give them the best chance

Start a family

Whether it's good debt, bad debt or both—how and when you make payments could make a difference in the total cost of your loans. That could mean more money in your pocket to invest in your goals.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  What debts do I have and what do they add up to?

    -  How much interest am I paying?

    -  Should I consolidate my debts?


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start a family

Be debt free

Whether it's good debt, bad debt or both—how and when you make payments could make a difference in the total cost of your loans. That could mean more money in your pocket to invest in your goals.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  What debts do I have and what do they add up to?

    -  How much interest am I paying?

    -  Should I consolidate my debts?


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become debt free

Save for something big

It could be a car, holiday, home, wedding or your child’s education—whatever you’re saving money for, organisation and a realistic timeframe could go a long way in helping you to achieve your goal.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  What am I saving for and how much do I need?

    -  Do I have a budget and savings plan in place?

    -  Are my debts under control?


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save for something big

Plan a future together

While you may already have shared financial commitments and joint bank accounts, setting yourselves up for the future requires some planning.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  Do we have a household budget and savings plan?

    -  What are our goals and financial needs?

    -  Is our financial paperwork in order?


Try our interactive goals planner

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Plan a future together

Buy a home

Buying a home is exciting, even though it’s a big financial commitment. That’s why preparation and readiness could be  the difference between make or break.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  How much can I borrow?

    -  Am I across the upfront and ongoing costs?

    -  Are there any government entitlements I may be eligible for?


Try our interactive goals planner

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buy a home

Simplify your finances

Simplifying and streamlining your financial life could help make it easier to keep track of and grow your money.


Have you thought of the following:

    -  Have I got direct debits set up so my bills are paid on time?

    -  Do I have a budget and savings plan in place?

    -  Would consolidating my debts make things easier?


Try our interactive goals planner

Short list this goal and begin exploring and prioritising other goals that are important to you with our online goal setting tool.

simplify your finances

Talk to an Accredited SMSF Advisor

Providing expert guidance for those looking to establish an SMSF

Speak to us today to see if an SMSF is right for you. Even if it’s not, our team of financial advisors will be able to guide you in the right direction.


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